1. One Story of Radar, by A.P. Rowe; Cambridge University Press (1948)
2. Superregenerative Receivers, by J.R. Whitehead; Cambridge University Press (1949)
3. Three Steps to Victory, by Sir Robert Watson-Watt; Odhams Press Ltd. (1957)
4. The Rise of the Boffins, by Ronald W. Clark; Phoenix (1962)
5. Angel Visits - from Biplane to Jet by F. Griffiths; Harmsworth (1986)
6. A Race on the Edge of Time, by David E. Fisher; McGraw Hill (1988)
7. Boffin – a personal story of the early days of radar, radio astronomy and quantum optics; by R. Hanbury Brown; Adam Hilger (1991)
8. The Pioneers of Radar, by Colin Latham and Anne Stubbs, Sutton Publishing, U.K. (1999)
By or about Aurelio Peccei:
Books that resulted from studies sponsored by the Club of Rome:
Books associated with CACOR or by CACOR Members:
Other important books on the future
The following acronyms are used in the text and the index:
AI | Airborne Interception radar |
ASV | Air to Service Vessel radar |
BOAC | British Overseas Airways Corporation. |
CACOR | Canadian Assoc. for the Club of Rome. |
CANDU | Canadian Advanced Nuclear Reactor. |
CARDE | Canadian Armaments R & D Establishment. |
CH | Chain Home radar |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CoR | The Club of Rome |
CONICIT | Science Council of Venezuela. |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization |
FIT | Foundation for International Training |
HARP | High Altitude Research Project. |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IFF | Identification, Friend Or Foe |
IFIAS | International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Study |
IIASA | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis |
INVESTI | Industrial Research Institute (Venezuela) |
IVIC | National Research Council (Venezuela) |
MOSST | Ministry of State for Science and Technology |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NRC | National Research Council (Canada) |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
PCO | Privy Council Office |
PCRS | Physics and Chemistry of Rubbing Solids |
RDF | Radio Direction Finding |
TRE | Telecommunications Research Establishment |
UMIST | University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization |